School Meals

School Lunches

Who Provides our Lunches?

Our School Lunch provider is Chartwells. If a child needs to have a special diet for medical reasons, please contact the school office and let us know. We are happy to discuss any special requirements with you. 
Here is a copy of our current menu.

Payment Information

All our school meals are cooked and served on our premises daily.   From 15th April 2024 Parents/Carers need to order their child(s) school meal in advance on Parentpay. Lunches can be ordered on a daily basis or termly (up to 100 days) in advance.  If your child has 5 meals a week, you will receive one day free. 

The charge is £2.65 per meal.

Weekly cost – £13.25 for 5 days or £10.60 if you take the full 5 meals per week (1 free day).

Monthly cost – £53.00 for 4 weeks

All school meals need to paid for in advance and this can be done through your ParentPay account. If you do not have a account, please contact the school office. 

Are you claiming your free school meals?

If you are in receipt of certain benefits your child may be entitled to free school meals.  For further information call into the school office or visit Cornwall Council's website where you will find a simple form to complete to check if your child is eligible.  

Free school meals link