How do we make sure that pupils catch up when they fall behind at St Erme with Trispen?
At St Erme with Trispen, our aim is for every child to meet their individual potential and, for some, they may need a little extra help to get there. When children are ‘falling behind’, whether they have SEN provision or not, systematic steps are put in place to give these children the very best opportunity of catching up with their peers. There is rigorous assessment of reading. Here are some of the ways in which we target our provision:
• Children who are ‘falling behind’ are flagged up immediately – through the use of Pupil Performance meetings, phonics tracking, whole school progress tracking, summative reading tests or seading skills lesson assessments.
• Teachers identify and monitor the lowest 20% of readers within each year group.
- Targeted support is provided to this group in a range of forms such as streaming phonics, additional reading practise, comprehension intervention groups, and RWI Fast Track Tutoring and additional Pinny Time. This ensure that all children develop into confident and fluent readers. In almost all cases, the class teacher teaches reading to the lowest 20% of children to ensure they make rapid progress.
- In addition, reading tutors (typically teaching assistants and intervention teachers) provide targeted 1:1 and small group support to enable children to catch up with their peers.
• All teachers are required to provide a reading support programme for their identified lowest 20% of readers, which is reviewed termly and discussed in Pupil Progress meetings.
• Children in EYFS/KS1 who are not making expected progress are quickly identified and afternoon additional RWI support is provided and delivered by fully trained adults.
• Where language and vocabulary are identified as a barrier, all our EYFS staff have the facility to support targeted intervention when needed.
• Phonics continues to be a focus throughout the whole school with those KS2 children identified with gaps in their phonic knowledge receiving RWI sessions. This intervention is monitored by the English lead.
• Children who are identified as not reading regularly at home through are monitored on a weekly basis and additional reading support is provided and contact made with parents to offer support where needed.
• ‘Targeting’ selected children to work with in Reading Skills (VIPERS) lessons. • The English lead regularly has classroom-release time to investigate data and track progress. • Updates and summaries are then shared with staff. • The school SENDCo tracks SEND children, collecting in PIRA test scores and uses these to assess progress, alongside regular classroom visits and pupil conferencing.